What is Plantacion de Sikwate?
We are a non-stock, non-profit organization duly registered with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as Plantacion de Sikwate Cacao Producers Association, Inc.
Our mission is to do continuous Research and Development, share the best practices in production, processing, profit making and sharing, engage in Human Resource Development and develop linkages and networking.
We envision a future reality where all individuals and groups involved in the Cacao Industry, in the Philippines and the World, work together for a mutually beneficial and sustainable partnership.
How Plantacion de Sikwate Started
We are an association initiated by the Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Davao City last June, 2014. Our advocacy is to teach Cacao Farmers who believe and support the natural way of farming to produce chocolate that is healthy for consumers. Our core values guide us to look after the:
Welfare of the whole Cacao value chain;
Innovation in the whole Cacao industry;
Sustainability of people/environment in Cacao industry;
Ethical Practices in relations and transactions.